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  Cold Chain


Cold Chain may be defined as a series of facilities required for maintaining ideal storage conditions for perishables products starting from the point of production to the point of consumption. Some of these facilities are missing in India, but are critical segments of the Cold Chain logistics Infrastructure.

In India large quantity of perishable products go waste due to lack of proper Cold Chain Infrastructure. This wastage has been estimated at around 16% of the total produce valuing approx. Rs.40,000/- Crs. Indian Agriculture sector accounts for nearly 26% of country's GDP, 64% employment and account for 18% of country's export. India is the second largest producer of Fruits and Vegetables, but our export is only 1% of world trade hence there is tremendous scope for improvement in this sector. As per some estimates, the post-harvest losses of Fruits and Vegetables in India is more than the total production of fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Great Britain. The reason is lack of proper Cold Chain Infrastructure in the country.

Usp’s of FHEL Agri Logistics Centre

  • It is one of the finest state-of -the-art storage facilities in the country.
  • Each of the 78 chambers can store different products with different set of storage protocols with computerised control without manual intervension.
  • The equipment is the best in the world and has been sourced from Italy, China, Israel, USA etc.
  • Proven CA technology has been provided from UK.
  • Located near the biggest Fruits and Vegetable market in Asia i.e., Azadpur Mandi.
  • The Custom Bonded Cold Storage facility is one of the first in Delhi/NCR region.


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