Prime Objectives of FHEL
To erect, purchase, hire, own, operate, manage, use, rent or otherwise acquire Cold Stores and
to carry on the business of providing facilities and services for Cold Supply Chain operations
including but not limited to procurement, import, transport, handling, storage, grading & packing
including branding, distribution, marketing, export and selling of fresh fruits, vegetables, frozen
foods etc for the Company and third party business.
Incidental Objectives
To establish modern Cold Supply Chain that will act as a catalyst for the development of a
modern, efficient, and safe food chain to meet the growing demands from the hospitality industry,
corporates, exporters, importers, food distribution companies etc.
To develop and apply new scientific methods to all aspects of post-harvest management
including proper handling of produce starting from the farm, during cold storage, transport in
refrigerated containers and distribution, to bring freshness and value to the food supply chain.
To facilitate storage of large quantities of fruits and vegetables for longer periods by using 'stateof-
art' technologies like Controlled Atmosphere (C.A) Storage, for taking advantage of price
difference between peak season and off-season of produce.
To provide customised end-to-end Cold Supply Chain services capable of handling the produce
from the farm gate to the end customer to eliminate wastage by integrating all activities from pre
and post harvest management to storage and logistics for the fresh produce.
To link modern cold stores to the farms and the market through logistics network based on the
use of refrigerated trucks and containers supported by an IT Network with latest software
applications for managing an efficient supply chain.
To manage demand supply imbalances in a better manner and potential elimination of
inefficiency along the supply chain by reducing the number of intermediaries.